Monday, March 19, 2007

random thy name is dre

My cely sux.

I think I may have dropped it or had it dropped (Victorio ..uh-humm), one time too many.

I text and I receive, although the time differences when text was sent and thus received puts a kink in the best laid plans when your cely is on permanent delay or never send or receive at all.

I just keep on texting and hope for the best.

I am told that I look like I am on a mini-typewriter when I am lost in my texting world. Just me and my crooked bony fingers on a little keyboard. I can even text using my pinkie ..heh.

Anywho, this is to my bros who think I have not texted them back when I really have and am awaiting your response to my witty repertoire.

On that note, I also wanted it to be known that I am not a bad speller, although my typed words up to this point allow for some debate on that topic. I am just a really bad typist with really bad patience and borderline ADD. I hate to waste time and think aww forget it, they get the gist of what I am saying. I was actually the top dude speller in grade school and junior high, beating out the bozos in 8th grade when I was a little 4th grade Dre. hehe. Oh the stories I could tell you.

I think maybe I judge peeps too hard. In fact, I know I do.

I am really bad at forming opinions of people with a first impression, hardly giving them a chance or any slack at redefining themselves in my eyes.

I know that my impression on peeps has been less then stellar as of late. I am in such a state of stress that I can't seem to erase the semi-permanent line on my forehead from frowning.

I have that hazy Apache mean stare on permanent rotation.

I forget at times that people have bad days, people get up on the wrong side of the bed, people are dealing with their own lives and "GASP" it isn't always about me and my little feelings. I can't help but be wrapped up in my own little tale of intrigue and heavy caffiene rages.

Point is, I am hard on people as I am on myself.

Its so hard for me to relax as I feel I am always "on". I have to take the trash out, I have to stay at work for that extra 16, I have to run that extra mile, I have to be "supermom", I have to use way too many italics. etc.

I need to go easy on people who are in my area. I need to step back and chill out at some point and know that its ok to let the phone ring, to not work out for an extra day, to zone out and ready $3 magazines.

I need to let people be who they are.

All I can change and control is myself, and my Son for a few more years.. heh.

Random, thy name is dre.


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