Tuesday, February 13, 2007

showing my own ass

Do you even meet peeps who you just wanna break it down to?

I know I've probs fit into this category at one time or another. I mean, who hasn't?

But seriously, there are those people who for some reason, exist in your little part of the world who you can't help but be in the mix with, but if you had your choice..you probably wouldn't want to know.

These are the people who seem to THINK they know everything and anything about a part of your life that in someway you share. Usually, they tend to be pretty young. I hate to think that I judge them too quick or at all, but you can only show your ass so many times until you believe thats all they have to offer.

Like I've stated before in a previous post, those who tend to believe that their way of living is the "only" way to live, tend to exist in worlds that don't have much experience in life.

I just get tired of biting my tongue when I see ignorance and bravado in a person who is old enough to know better but doesn't.

Who you just want to break things down to in a slighty mean way. Who you want to embarass cause they make your mean side come out.

I admit, I at times have the capacity in my soul to be black. I am human, and at least I can admit that to myself.

Its just certain people live in a fantasy world where black is black and white is white.

I just feel that if you are who you are, and you know your place in this world, you don't have to shove it down anyone's throat. You are not better than anyone else, you are not more deserving of certain things.

I am tired of existing with people who know all but know shit.


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