Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Phlegm induced rant

I didnt run last nite.

I am stuffed full of phlegm.

Pretty huh?

This morning, Son-Boi projectile vomited on me 3 times. My left front tire looks like someone slashed it in some psycho-ex craziness, hence no ride.

The one great thing about today is that I am home. I am sitting here at the computer relaxing and blowing my nose. I wish I could taste. I did the Pima cure and tried to eat some chili, its kinda working.

I got to do some laundry, clean up, organize clothing (Son's & mine), and wash the dishes, oh yea, and see Judge Judy. Oh how I have missed her.

Today I think I will run. Or maybe not. I still have that stuffed wooziness. I hate when my allergies act a fool, all of a sudden it turns into an infection. Its crazy, last year about this time I had pneumonia..coincidence? I believe its that time of year where all the bad things I am allergic to come out and try and get me. Leave me alone suckaz!!! I hate feeling under the weather, I refuse to use the word "sick". SIck is for suckas. I refuse to be one of those whiney, weak, useless peepz..wait a minute..what was this blog about? Oh yeah, me

On the training side:

Monday: 50 minutes of kickboxing class. (I was late so I missed 10 minutes boo-hoo)
Tuesday: Lungs & throat enveloped in phlegm. No go. (on a side note, did go to a basketball game - in misery)
Wednesday: Possible run?

I want to run my phlegm out, but its so freaking hot outside I can't do it out there. If I run inside, there is no where to spit. I think I will bring a cup with me and peeps around me are just going to have to deal.

I just found out that the Piestewa games this upcoming weekend include a 5K cross-country run! So, do I run there or do my scheduled ARR 5K #4 Summer Series Run at Kiwanis Park? Hmm..

Lets chew on that ..and you runners out there that read this..(YES YOU!) are you going to run this weekend, and if so, where?

more to come, while my Son is asleep.

PS. I miss tasting food.


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