Saturday, July 01, 2006

I spanked that ass!!!

5k up and down your ass.

I got up periodically throughout the night, which I always seem to do the night before a race. Yesterday I ran an easy 2 miles at 9:22 minute miles. I actually had to make myself not gun it harder, it wasnt easy. I knew that I shouldn't have been running at all yesterday, if I wanted all systems go for this morning. Yesterday had badness whispering in my ear, so I ran to get that angry monkey off my back. It worked too well I almost ran 4 miles.

Anywho, this A.M. had me greeting the pinkish sky @ 5:10. I got up, put my eyes in, got out my melon propel and started chugging. Stumbled around and remembered to put my clothes on that I kept tripping over. Grabbed a banana and 1/2 a cereal bar and sat down and ate. D got up and started getting Son-boi ready and we were out the door by 5:45 p.m. Got there @ 6:15. Took off to register and use the potty as soon as we got there, had to double back for my beloved mini. Quick decision whether to register first or hit the potty, potty won. In and out, hit up the registration and pinned the number on and laced up my chip. Got to the start/finish line with minutes to spare. Saw this tall elegant looking dark skinned man who stood out among this maze of cafe-au-lait, went up to him and asked about the 5k's terrain. Had a good convo as he went over the hillage and what to watch out for. I love being amongst peeps who understand the need for punishment and love for burning lactic acid. We joked, we laughed, we compared Sons. Before I knew it, D and Son snuck up to my side and snuck in some loving..SMACK SMACK. I was ready to go yo.

Suddenly, I heard a noise and we were out the gate, well the peeps in front were. I was out the gate about 30 seconds later. Beginning of the run was a gentle incline to the the road leading to the top of South Mountain. Nice gentle rolling hills, with a gentle incline till the turnoff to the incline from hell. Well, it seemed like that to me. Here is where this young child decided to stop dead in her tracks in front of me, I about biffed it on the nice black burning ass hot pavement. I did some kind of Matirx roll and got my bearings back enough to steady myself and give her a glare. I swear, I hate when peeps do that in a race, if you have to stop, go to the side of the road and get your walk on. Bite the bullet and pushed past the burning and got a grip on my breathing. I was seriously sloshing up some phlegm. By this time, the sweat was a pouring and I could defintely feel my black on black outfit in the 90 degree plus heat. Nice fashion choice I thought to This incline was a teaser,..started out nice and gentle but never stopped climbing..crested a bit but then made you gun it even harder as you came to the 1/2 way mark nicely positioned by a water station. I hate water stations ...most of the time. This time was no exception. When running a relatively short run I choose not to stop for water simply because I choose not to stop. If and when I do, I grab it and pour most of it on my head and inhale the rest through my nose. Water stops and I do not get along too well. Another reason I have for not liking water stops to well is that almost EVERYONE stops and blocks the path so you go ducking and dodging among the stopped peeps to get your pace back on. Did that, and pushed it to the top of the final ascent. Upon descending...I felt my legs take off on their own. It was like they had a wil of their own. Seriously. I let em ride and just enjoyed the faint breeze that blew at my face and got my sweat to do their cooling job. The last 1 1/2 miles were nice and loose. I had been kinda holding back in the beginning as I was not to sure of the terrain and if I would be able to keep up a faster pace running inclines. I had a lot to burn this last I let the run take me and found peeps to run with...who to my surprise, I was able to pass and find the next pacer and continue on. Had my sights on the finish line and pushed it in and glided to the end.

I did not see anyone running in, I was focused on my LHS & the lady who beat me by one My official chip finishing time was 26:44. I surprised myself.. I thought running this 5k I would be much slower as I have not been incorporating any hill work into my runs. I was pleasantly surprised by my time. I estimate that I was running about 8:40 when incorporating the .1 mile at the end, estimating that the .1 accounted for my .44 seconds added to the 3 miles. If I am wrong, please correct my ass. I am so bad at math thingamajigs..

July 22nd yo..I will smack that 5k ass again.


As of today, July 1st, I have run 20 miles this week. I will be running long tomorrow so we will see how far I go. Peace out.


At 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"do nothing because it is praiseworthy or noble to do so; do nothing because it seems good to do so; do only that which you must do and which you cannot do any other way."-ursula k. le guin.

I'm abundantly proud of you once more-as always. Dinner soon??

At 9:19 AM, Blogger ! said...

Yay!...congrat on the run. ;)


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