Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Piss me off

Since I have some time to post up while my Son is sleeping, here are some things that annoy the hellz outta me:

1) PEOPLE WHO FRIGGIN PARK IN THE HANDICAP ZONE WHEN THEY ARE NOT FRIGGIN HANDICAPPED!! - People, you have legs that are able to walk the 10 yards to your destination..USE THEM! Be grateful you have that ability unlike the poor souls who NEED TO USE THE HANDICAPED PARKING!!

2) People who don't work but like to persecute those of us who do and are able to buy the "toys" in life. Get a job and get off my back. Lazy ass.

3) People who say "POOR ME POOR ME!! WHAAA!". Do something..dont just sit on your ass and cry about it. Better yet, cry, get over it, then do something about it.

4) People who dont vote. IF you dont vote, dont complain. END OF STORY!

5) People who leave their turn signals on. Numbnuts..I can see your blink which makes me think you are going to turn, if you don't turn I will run into the back of your car cause you are pissing me off.

6) People who wear make-up/perfume while you work out. Ok, its your perogative to decorate yourself how you want, but don't make me smell your sweet stink or have to look at your smeary face! Get a babeewipe and wipe that shyt. Perfume when I am trying to inhale makes me cough..and Ill cough all over you if you don't take that smell home.!!

7) People who feel that they can tell me how to run my business. Take your suggestions and subtle hints and start your own freaking business and do it any way you want and leave me the Fugg alone.

8) People who hug you upon meeting you and you don't even know who the hell they are. "STAND BACK...you don't know me like that."

9) People who talk all big and bad on the internet about who and what they stand for but in real life they are meek as a mouse. If you have balls on the interne, then have balls in real life.

10) Music snobs. Who the hell are you to judge what kind of music is "GOOD". Those who are all "hip-hop is life" or because its mainstream then it sux and won't listen to anything else or label all other types of music as "bad" SUCK BALLS!!

11) People who talk themselves up so much that they forget you are in the conversation. I don't need your friggin resume I just asked how you were doing ..sheesh.

Enough..I am a bitch today. Bear with me. I can be happy too. Crankiness is not a good look for me.


At 4:29 PM, Blogger psbowe said...

OMG, watch out people...the shit has really hit the fan this time! Better get out of her way!

Hope tomorrow is a better day...

yep, I think that 10 miler is calling your name right about now...


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