ol Blog from Myspace....3o YEARS OF LESSONS..still learning yo
30 lessons I've learned the hard way in my first 30 years...
30) Friendships are like lovers, reciprocity, forgiveness, and understanding are required.
29) The older you get, the more you know that you don't know shi#!
28) You hair changes color and your feet get bigger...for real.
27) A good joke loses so much in translation..
26) You can fall in love more than once..
25) Sometimes you just gotta say "Fugg it, let's go", and let life take you where it wants..and somtimes, you just gotta follow it.
24) Faith and Belief should never be forced unto anyone..
23) Pain is fleeting, but glory is forever.
22) There is always someone prettier, smarter, stronger, and more prosperous that you,....but you still rock.
21) Fighting never solves anything, and scars you in ways that aren't visible.
20) It he hits you once, he will hit you again
19) Be proud of who and what you are, but never be condescending to anyone elses beliefs, traditions, or upbringing.
18) If it feels wrong. dont do it.
17) 2 sports bras are the way to go. Trust.
16) Trust you intuition yo....it's usually right.
15) If it feels good when you wear it, wear it. Forget trends..be true to your own sense of style...mix it up. make it your own.
14) You are able to do things that you never thought possible, physically, mentally, and emotionally...
13) Karma is a MOFO.
12) Glasses and scars are sexy. dammit.
11) Believe in yourself, cause sometimes no one else will.
10) Sometimes you just gotta bite your tongue till it bleeds.
09) ALWAYS show respect to those who came before you..
08) Chimuth (tortilla) making is an acquired skill..
07) Choose your fights wisely, but know that sometimes things do take care of themselves...in every sense.
06) Start using eye cream A.S.A.P.
05) If you get a tatoo, have it be meaningful to you...it is forever.
04)Forgiveness is the pathway to happiness.
03) Spend one year partnerless, and just discover yourself and what makes you happy. You need to be happy within yourself before you can be happy with anyone else...
02) Never lose yourself to and in your mate..be your own person. If that person can't take it..he/she is not the one. period.
01) Own up to what you did, do, good or bad, it's all you. Embrace it, learn from it, and move on.
Frivilous extras....
00) Wear purple eye shadow at least once..
(00001) See a concert at the hard rock in Las Vegas
(100002) Dance one nite uninhibited, drug free, and partnerless
(200003) Jump outta a plane and never do it again
(300004) Travel as much as you can as far away as possible
(400005) Live somewhere else at least 10 hrs. away for at least a year
(500006) Give up pop for 40 days and see how you glow
(600007) Never live with regret if you can do something about
tee hee....
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