Friday, June 16, 2006

tight breathes

TOday I had the hardest time running.

I actually felt myself breathing. Usually I lose myself in the run and my tunes tapping through my skull. Today I could actually feel the tightness in my chest with each expandng breathe.I could tell when I began my 4 mile run I wasn't myself. My joints were achy, my legs were sore, my breathing sucked.

For the past week, my breathing has been off. When taking a deep breathe to expand my runs, I could actually feel my lungs become tighter. It reminds me of when I had pneumonia last summer. Its freaking me out. Otherwise, my legs have been feeling sore but not so sore that I could not do what I usually do and run it out. My allergies have been playing havoc with my poor nose and head, hence the more bitchy than usual demeanor. My joints are no more achy than slightly more than usual, tightness around my knee and the beginning of the dreaded shinsplits. No more than the usual runner feels.

I have hence not made my running goals for myself this week, YET.

Mond.: 1 Hr. Kickbox Class (that made me sore as a mutha)
Tues.: 3 mile run at a 8:58 pace.
Weds.: Off day. Tired as a mutha.
Thurs.: 5 Mile run at a 9:05 pace or so. Finished in 45 minutes. Ran it hard in for the last .25 mile., hence the weird 45 minute finish that doesnt jibe with the 9:05 pace.
Fri.: 4 mile run at a 9:04 pace. Finished in 36:14 exactly. Kept it even the whole run.
Sat.: I am projecting either my long run today of at least 7 miles. Plus hrs. of swimming and canoodling at the swim park in Mesa. We shall see if I get up early enough to run on the canal. I do not want to run my long run at the treadmill.
Sun.: Or either today I will have my long run of at least 7 miles. I am actually hoping for 8 but lets see what my breathing says about that.

Total for week: 20 miles (at least).

I know that my body is probably telling me that I need to rest. But I never listen to anyone so why start now? Im kidding..kinda. But seriously, I feel so TIRED. Physically, emotionally, mentally...drained. I believe it is catching up to me the balencing of the Mother role, lover-homey-fren role, runner role, homeslice role, daughter role, student role, worker bee role, housekeeper role, cook role, etc. etc. I know I need a rest, but my defiant runner mentality wont let me quit till I finish my goals for this week.

NExt week staring on Monday I will ease down. I will only run 3 times next including one day of kickboxing. Ya see, Redmomma is heading to Vegas with tres amigas on Thurs. The much-needed vacation is about to become a reality. Then 2 weeks later, I am going to Vegas again with my D for a much needed break from parenthood for us both. Yea!!

Actually today, myself and my sure goot bro confirmed via electronical handshake that we are committed to doing the Las Vegas 1/2 Marathon in December and I will go forward with the 2007 PF CHangs Marathon!! I am a running fool....but a real one. LOL.


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