Kick ABS
Tonite..besides mindless blogging..I also took my first Kickboxing class since before my marathon training. I used to kickbox on the regular..but since I was seriously trying to be "READY" for the run, I had pushed kicking to the side. So tonite, I was all hell bent on kicking some ass.
Brother man had agreed to watch Son-Boi while I jetted off to LA.-Land in exchange for meatloaf and homemade tortillas. Exchange done and I was off.
Got there minus warmup and proceeded to jump right in to imaginary punching. To the left and to the right were Scottsdale women as far as the eye can see. I always feel slightly out of place amid the name-brand encrusted, makeup wearing, sweatless, women who seem to invade this particular gym. There I be, wearing my Target shorts, "Apache" cut off black tee, and ashy knees. Sucked up my insecurities and lost myself in the movement. felt so good to have my body do something other than running...kinda like finding a CD that you used to love so, and putting it in and re-discovering songs that made you smile. I love that this particular room consists of mirrors flanking you on every side. I love to watch me kick ass. But, by the time I got in, the room was packed yo!!! I had to secure me a spot way in the back and settle for a small sliver of my brown face. Man, this ladee doesn't play. SHe had me sweating about 4 minutes in...punching, kicking, kicking and touching the ground and them jumping up and kicking again. But I loved it!! All around me the women were dropping like flies., taking breaks and doing half-hearted kicks and punches. Me, if imma work out, IM GONNA WORK OUT. I had my grimace on, my heart pounding, my legs quaking, my breath coming in gasps...but I worked it out yo. Then, to finish off 45 minutes of cardio, we did freaking 10 minutes of abs. Straight up..Im feeling them. But I do so love being sore..that owww when you move but it makes you laugh cause it hurts but it feels good all at the same time. Abs are the best part to be sore in, I personally believe.
I'll be back next Monday fo sho.
Monday nite I ran 3 miles in 22:37.
Next Race: January 28th. New Years Road Race at SRPMIC.
Either the 8K or 2 miler.
Yes I know that im not supposed to race this soon after the marathon, hence the possible 2 miler. Plans yo.
You're really kicking butt there! I never care about how I look, I wear what's comfortable too.
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