Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Im bout to dropkick myself in the ass!!

I took off from work in a mad frothing at the mouth frenzy brought on by debt, my stupid procastination, and not wanting to deal.

I just got off the phone (yes I am a dinosaur that has a house phone) after 2 phone calls, 35 minutes, and some much needed transfer of funds...I AM DEBT FREE!!! well, relatively..

Ya see, there has been this HUGE FREAKING MONKEY on my back for the past 4 years when my DUMB ASS entered into an agreement that I was too young, inexperienced, and naive to enter into. Like a sucka, I blindly said yes, yes, yes...and signed papers that locked me into a black hole of vampire sucking proportions.

I wanted to get my biz off the ground with a quickness, and stupidly, I did it too fast, without reading the small print, and blindly believing in the good in people.

I have done a lot of things, business-wise, this way.

As the daughter of two business savvy and successful people, I should of freaking known better.

I could of dealt with this a looooooooooooooooooong time ago, but stupidly, I kept putting it off, paying outta pocket, blind to dealing with this crap.

FINALLY, I had it. Tired of the fees, the stress, paying for something that I don't even use..

I called.

and ya know freaking what? I AM FINALLY FREE!!

I am telling you all my tale of woe, because I would hate for anyone beginning in business to be suckered into a contract that is bad.

I am pissed at myself for being stupid..but I also know that this is one of those lessons learned the hard way that I needed to go through.

I am a sucka no more..

I have had dealings with people in this RED world who are not what they say they are, or do what they say they do.

I have had to deal with people who say one thing, but in reality, don't know their eye from their asshole.

NO worries, I include myself in this category. The above scenario being a glaring reality of naivetee.

However, in dealing with people, I have tried hard to keep my end of the bargain. I do what I say I will do, and mean what I say.

I have had to fill in on fashion show director duties as the "coordinator" of certain shows, failed to show up until the last minute. Leaving young models and designers to wait.,..on yea, she did show up, in time to get her makeup done and take credit for the show...

Had contracts with certain people to vend, with certain manifests agreed upon, where the party that was PAID in order for me to vend, where nowhere to be found.

Of course, there are the people who I have dealt with whom I have ungrudging respect for. Their professionalism and unegotistical demeanor make them shine. You know who you are...just like the liars and shysters know who they are.

Just be what you say..and honor your agreement and contracts. Do not use others to take advantage of them, be professional in all that you do.

Give someone a chance..just like someone did for me...

Take someone under your wing and teach them your lessons learned...

Take my hard earned lesson and use it..



At 2:07 PM, Blogger ! said...

Yay for being debt free.. I have 2 cards I'm suppose to being paying...it totally sucks..maybe sharing a secret or two with me would help.. Great job. :)


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