I laughed till I cried, ate ACORN STEW!!, remembered what it is to live with no electricity, felt big fat snowflakes on my face, held hands, WALKED in my PIMA NIKE (aka my braced foot), danced with my Son on one leg, felt the pollen hit my face and paint myself with blessings, bought Dance Me Outside and Once Were Warriors at the Pow-wow, drank Shi'Ta'z cowboy coffee, breathed in clean Peridot air, remembered what it feels like to sleep by a hot fire, pulled my hoody over my face and sucked the pinion salt, got my accent back with my crazee BEAUTIFUL Auntie and woman cousins..."WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY over der"..gesturing with hands.., did AUNTIE Voice to my nephews and watched them become lil Boys again when the Gaan came out, snuggled in the backseat and snuck kisses with my "D", ate Chimuth aka BUN all weekend at every meal., bought a big Stick and ate it with my Son, gambled at the Casino and came out $1.50 ahead, wore sweats all day and slept in them, remembered how to layer up, woke up the sounds of my family waking up and making coffee, feeling my mothers hands on mine, catching up with my bros and the craziness that is all our lives, hearing the drums and songs that I to my surprise remember and know, drinking the hot stuff to warm up, seeing snow on "bucket" and remembering back in the day, throwing puny snowballs packed with sock gloved hands, sleeping in my "Bedroom" that is the living room, taking a shower before everyone else so you get the hot water..hehe., driving in 4 - wheel, ...aahhh..
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