Wednesday, May 18, 2005

breathing is a gift

I have pneumonia ya'all. While i was at PIMC with the IV drip going and breathing treatment allowing me to suck some much needed air into my phlem plugged lungs...I was trying to imagine what this pain I had been feeling might compare to..and the immediate thought was childbirth. Mind ya, I just had my Son a little over a year so that pain is still kinda fresh in my mind..but see, that was over and done with in like 24 hrs with an epidural..but this pain. OH MAN, I still feel it after 5 freaking dayz. I have never been this sick or in so much extended pain in my life....this shit hurts! Its like I can't even suck down a full breath without my left lung being stabbed and then kicked ....butI am getting better and for that I am grateful.

I do not even wish this on my worst enemy....

Peace ya;all


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